First photo: Eisenhower Elementary’s staff was recognized at a May 9 VPS board meeting. Second photo: Eisenhower Elementary also was recognized at a May 3 ceremony at Olympic Middle School in Auburn, Washington. Photo courtesy of OSPI.
Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary School is one of 280 schools statewide and one of 11 schools in the Educational Service District 112 region to receive a 2016 Washington Achievement Award. Eisenhower was selected for its work to close the achievement gap for students with disabilities, one of seven categories in which schools are recognized.
This is the eighth year that the state has recognized outstanding achievement in Washington schools. Eisenhower previously received Washington Achievement Awards in 2011, 2012 and 2014.
On May 3, Eisenhower and the other award-winning schools were honored during a ceremony in Auburn, Washington.
Schools are selected for Achievement Awards based on their performance as measured by the Washington state Achievement Index, which analyzes assessment data and highlights schools that have demonstrated improvement.