Learn about our school.

Home of the Eagles

It is our mission that the Eisenhower community will model responsible behaviors and achieve success in learning.

Eisenhower has a strong parent leadership organization, high levels of parent engagement and tremendous support from the community. We also have a multicultural population with approximately 10 languages represented in our school.

Learn about our school.

Learning resources

Please log in to ClassLink to access all apps, including Canvas.

Need help with devices or apps? Visit the learning support website. If you have limited access to email or the internet, or the internet is not working on your child’s device, please call 360-313-5400.

What’s new

Kindergarten enrollment is open

If your child is turning 5 by August 31st, enroll them in kindergarten today! There are many options available, including your neighborhood school, dual-language, and choice programs.

Contact us

Principal Mark Jordan
Associate Principal Kevin Coffey

Main: 360-313-1700
Fax: 360-313-1701
Attendance: 360-313-1404
Email Eisenhower Attendance

School hours:
8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.


Email:  Eisenhower Attendance

All day, every day.

Your child is required to be at school all day, every day.

At Eisenhower, our goal is for students to be here to learn, learn, learn!

Learn more about attendance requirements for your student

Let’s connect

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